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Easy and Fun Exercises You Can Try With Your Partner

By on April 28, 2020 0 997 Views

Monotony is a thing you just can’t escape in almost everything, including the workout. However, having a partner can solve this trouble. It not only helps you keep boredom at bay but also ensures that you remain motivated towards your fitness goals.


There are plenty of exercises that you can try with your partner. We have tried to scoop out the best of them to make the whole process more fun and easy for you. Take a look!

Easy and Fun Exercises To Try With A Partner

  • Squat & Smile

One of the most common, easiest and powerful exercises; squats can be done anytime, anywhere. You can begin by facing your partner and holding each other’s hands to do the squats. Make sure the hands and backs are straight.


In the beginnings, you can do 25 squats and try to hold the last squat for about 20 seconds. This exercise is great for thigh muscles and the gluts.

  • Plank With A Clap

This one is just like the simple plank with only a clap added to make it a partner workout. To do this, both the partners should first take the plank position facing each other. There should be at least 2 feet distance between their hands.


Now, you should pick your right hands, give a clap and return to the position. Repeat the same with left hands and continue to use alternate hands during the plank. Try this activity for 30, 60 or 120 seconds depending on your ease. This workout is beneficial for improving overall balance and core strength.

  • Wheelbarrow Push-Ups

Though this one is extra challenging when performed with a partner, it can surely help in building a strong connection. Now, for this exercise, one partner should be in the push-up position, while the other one can stand behind near their feet.


Now the second partner should lift first’s legs and secure them around hips. Then begin the exercise. Switch after 10 push-ups.

  • Triceps Dip

For this exercise, one partner should sit against a wall. The other one stands against the first partner and place hands on the partner’s thighs. Then, they can execute the dip offs.


You can begin the first batch with 20 seconds and switch the positions. This exercise works great for core and lower body of the partner who sits in the squat against the wall and works for the upper body of the other partner who does the triceps dips.

The Bottom Line

Exercises, when done with a partner, can provide a unique challenge. It not only helps you stick through your fitness routine but helps you learn more about the individual.

Also, your workout partner can be anyone – your sibling, friend, lover or even your parent. Just make sure that you both start the work out with easy exercises like the ones mentioned above and then gradually move to tough challenges.

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